Skin is the largest and the most visible part of our body. Performing many functions, starting from sense to protection, it suffers all the environmental chaos, the use of harsh products, and many other external and internal torments. Any problem, in whichever part of the body, will affect the skin for sure. Age is another factor that affects the skin.
Whatever may be the reason or the problem, skin shows it all, especially on the face. Skin conditions include blemishes, acne, wrinkles, etc. The list is never-ending. Aging brings dark circles, sagging skin, wrinkles, etc. Anti-aging products, medications, etc. all promise to redress these skin problems. But most of these promises remain unfulfilled! That is when people turn to laser treatments!
Lasers have become an important part of the dermatologist’s arsenal for the treatment of skin diseases. As such, familiarity with the usage and indications of this treatment modality has become important in the field of dermatology. Over the last few years, laser treatments have proved to be a blessing for both the patients and the doctors, which help to address a wide variety of skin and cosmetic concerns without many side effects or complications. Dr. Naiya Bansal at Dr. Naiya Bansal’s skin and laser clinic has hundreds of successful laser treatments to her credit with the highest patient satisfaction and result-oriented treatments.

Skin Conditions That Laser Can Treat:
- Unwanted hair
- Unwanted tattoos
- Acne scars
- Aging skin problems, such as age spots, fine lines and wrinkles on the face
- Birthmarks
- Spider veins
- Droopy, dry, sagging eyelid skin and dark circles
- Improve crow’s feet around the eyes
- Pucker marks and frown lines
- Brown spots and uneven skin colour
- Scars
- Uneven skin tone and texture
- Smokers’ line
- Vascular lesions
- Skin tightening
Laser Skin Resurfacing
- Acne scars
- Fine wrinkles
- Age spots
- Uneven skin tone or texture
- Sun-damaged skin
- Stretch marks
- Post traumatic, surgical or even old burn scars
- Rhinophyma
After the procedure
Laser Skin Rejuvenation
Laser Tattoo Removal
Laser Treatment for Pigmentation
Q switched Nd: Yag laser treatment
Laser Birthmark Removal
- Moles: Small spots on the skin, often brown in color, sometimes raised.
- Naevus of ota: Its rather a more common form of pigmented birthmark which is strictly unilateral and is often bluish black in colour.
- Becker’s naevus: Its again a pigmented birthmarl , which usually appears later in life and appears dark brown or blackish in colour, mostly exhibiting excessive hair growth also over its surface.
- Strawberry Angiomas: A red, benign growth of endothelial cells, which line blood vessels. They often shrink or disappear by age 10.
- Port wine stain: Named for spilled wine, this dark splashy birthmark often show up on the face and don’t disappear on their own
Laser Mole Removal
Laser Stretch Mark/ Burn Scar Removal
Laser therapy is used to treat varied skin conditions and ailments, including:

With the new improved and advancing technologies, many other skin problems and diseases too can be treated using laser therapy.
Laser skin resurfacing is a very effective treatment to treat dull, damaged, photo-aged, and wrinkled skin along with acne scars, burn scars, or any type of post-traumatic scars. It is a facial rejuvenation procedure that uses a laser device to improve the appearance and texture of the skin. It can be done with:
Ablative laser : This works on the principle of wound healing wherein a wounding laser is used which removes the outer thin layer of the skin (epidermis) and heats the underlying skin (dermis), which stimulates the growth of new collagen fibres. As the epidermis heals and regrows, the treated area appears much smoother and tighter. This treatment comes with downtime and requires a proper after-care skin protocol to be followed.
Types of ablative treatments include the carbon dioxide (CO2) laser, the erbium laser, and combination systems. Both the lasers can be delivered with a fractional laser system, which leaves microscopic columns of untreated tissue throughout the treatment area which helps to cause lesser damage, and faster skin healing thereby making the procedure very safe and also help to reduce the downtime to the minimum. Fractional lasers were developed to shorten recovery time and reduce the risk of side effects.

Nonablative laser This is a simpler and less aggressive procedure where a non-wounding laser is used which stimulates collagen growth, which over a while helps improve the skin tone and texture. This approach can be done with various types of lasers as well as intense pulsed light (IPL) devices. Non-ablative laser resurfacing is less invasive and requires less recovery time than does ablative laser resurfacing. But it's less effective also. The benefits of non-ablative treatments are that these are office time procedures with little or no downtime, and also the post-procedure care of precautions are very minimal
Laser resurfacing can significantly decrease the appearance of acne scars as well as other types of scars as caused by trauma, burn injury, or scars caused by chickenpox on the face. It can also treat loss of skin tone and improve the complexion if you have scars or sun damage. Laser resurfacing does improve the tone and texture of the skin with the help of collagen remodelling which makes it a very effective tool for the treatment of acne scars as well as lines and wrinkles on the face.
It also helps combat the early signs of aging and photodamage. Laser resurfacing can't eliminate excessive or sagging skin. Understanding the specific techniques, risks and possible results can help you decide if laser resurfacing is right for you.
The procedure is done after numbing the skin with topical anaesthetic cream which is left on your skin for around 30 to 40 minutes.
During ablative laser resurfacing, an intense beam of light energy (laser) is directed at your skin. The laser beam destroys the outer layer of skin (epidermis). At the same time, the laser heats the underlying skin (dermis), which stimulates collagen production over time, resulting in better skin tone and texture. Ablative laser resurfacing typically takes between 30 minutes and two hours, depending on the technique used and the size of the area treated.
If you're undergoing nonwounding laser or nonablative laser treatment, a series of treatments is typically scheduled over the course of weeks or months.
After the ablative laser resurfacing, the treated skin will be red, raw, swollen, and itchy. Your doctor will apply a thick ointment to the treated skin and might cover the area with an airtight and watertight dressing. You may take a pain reliever and use cool compresses. You should expect a crust formation that might last for around 5 to 7 days in modern laser systems followed by renewal with fresh baby pink skin. New skin usually covers the area in one or two weeks. During this time do not use products that may irritate your faces, such as cosmetics and sunscreens. And avoid situations that increase your risk of infection, such as swimming.
After non-ablative laser resurfacing, recovery time is negligible. You may have some redness, swelling, and discomfort. Use cool compresses as needed. You can resume your normal activities and skincare routine immediately.
After ablative laser resurfacing, your skin might stay red or pink for up to several months. But once the treated area begins to heal, you'll notice a difference in your skin quality and appearance. The effects can last for years
Results after nonablative laser resurfacing tend to be gradual and progressive. You're more likely to notice improvements in skin texture and pigment than in wrinkles.
Laser resurfacing is not suitable for people with extremely dark skin tone or complexion as there is a significant risk of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation in such patients.

Laser skin rejuvenation is a process in which a non-ablative laser or a high-intensity pulsed light-based system is used to improve the appearance of the skin or to repair the sun-damaged skin. It helps in decreasing the appearance of fine lines near the eyes, mouth, and cheeks. This treatment can also help you to improve your complexion if you have any kind of skin damage
Skin rejuvenation with IPL, popularly known as a photo facial, is a very effective treatment for various skin conditions like wrinkles, age-related skin degeneration, freckles, blemishes, and unwanted hair. This treatment is very effective, safe, and is FDA-approved
IPL releases light of many different wavelengths which penetrates down to the second layer of skin (dermis) without harming the top layer, so it causes less damage to the skin. Pigment cells in the dermis absorb the light energy, which is converted into heat and this destroys the unwanted pigment to clear blemishes, freckles, and spots. It can also destroy hair follicles (Hair Roots) which stop unwanted growth of hair permanently. IPL light increases the production of collagen in the skin which is very helpful for age-related skin degeneration and wrinkles. Skin becomes tight, supple, and free of unwanted pigments.
It's a very patient-friendly procedure, it’s almost painless and hardly takes 20-30mins for one session depending upon the area to be treated. Patients can do all routine activities immediately. For best results, patients may need four to six sessions of IPL treatment with an interval of 2-3 weeks between the sessions. Patients are recommended to avoid sun exposure in the post-treatment period.
A special type of laser called a Q-switched Nd: YAG which releases energy in a single, powerful pulse is the treatment of choice for tattoo removal. Laser tattoo removal is safe and effective, and it only takes few minutes to perform.
When tattoos are applied, ink particles are inserted with a needle into varying depths of skin where it gets trapped. Laser treatment causes tattoo pigment particles to heat up and fragment into smaller pieces. These smaller pieces are then removed by normal body processes.
When tattoos are applied, ink particles are inserted with a needle into varying depths of skin where it gets trapped. Laser treatment causes tattoo pigment particles to heat up and fragment into smaller pieces. These smaller pieces are then removed by normal body processes.
When tattoos are applied, ink particles are inserted with a needle into varying depths of skin where it gets trapped. Laser treatment causes tattoo pigment particles to heat up and fragment into smaller pieces. These smaller pieces are then removed by normal body processes.

At Dr. Naiya Bansal’s skin and laser clinic, we provide the best laser tattoo removal service. Your tattoo will become progressively lighter after every visit using the best and the most modern method available in the practice. It's a painless, efficient, safe, effective, and very economical modality to get rid of your unwanted tattoos.
Laser Treatments are also used for the removal of hyperpigmentation which is generally caused by excessive production of melanin in the skin resulting in the appearance of darker patches or lesions on the skin
There are various treatment modalities available for pigmentation, laser treatment being one of them.
Generally a Q switched Nd: Yag laser is used to remove or lighten the areas of hyperpigmentation.
Q Switched Laser is the latest technology to treat the stubborn areas of hyperpigmentation like freckles, lentigines, or resistant melasma along with an uneven skin tone. It is a revolutionary service that uses a Q-Switched laser that is highly safe for Indian skin types to treat unwanted pigmentation on the skin. A Q -Switched laser typically has 2 wavelengths in action which can target different depths of penetration, thereby acting on different kinds of pigmentary lessons very specifically. It creates a beam of light that specifically targets the brown pigment or melanin present in the dark spots without having any effect on the surrounding skin. The pigment absorbs the laser energy and gets fragmented within the skin's tissues, thereby giving you a smoother and even skin tone. The laser can reach the deeper layers of the skin where products or peels etc . do not reach. It usually takes few repeated sessions of the treatment to show effective results. A q switched laser usually comes with a little downtime of few days during which the skin might develop a little crusting which eventually gets better within 3 to 5 days.
Laser treatment when combined with our highly efficacious skin care products, lightens, stimulates and protects your skin, to help give you a smooth, flawless complexion that you've always desired.

Birthmarks are rather curious features, given that no one knows why we have them. Some birthmarks can be hereditary, while others simply appear in one of two ways. The first kind happens as a result of the sudden growth of pigment cells in one area, called pigmented birthmarks, or from irregular blood vessels that crowd together beneath the skin, known as vascular birthmarks.There are two main types of birthmarks, each characterized by specific forms:
There are two main types of birthmarks, each characterized by specific forms:
Pigmented: Birthmarks caused by excess pigment cells, as exemplified by…
Vascular: Caused by increased blood vessels like:
Different types of laser treatments are available at Dr. Naiya Bansal’s skin and laser centre according to the type of birthmark. Lasers produce short, pure, intense bursts of one-coloured light that pass through the top layers of the skin membrane to fragment the irregular pigment microscopically. For pigmented birthmarks, some pigment comes off in the crust that forms after treatment, some is absorbed back into the skin, and a small amount remains invisible in the skin. For vascular birthmarks, lasers cause the blood vessel to be clotted, sealed off, then destroyed and absorbed
Your dermatologist will choose the laser’s strength and color depending on your birthmark’s size, type, and coloration. The number of treatments necessary for removal will depend on these individual factors as well.
Lasers don’t work on all birthmarks, so you’ll have to consult your dermatologist to have a treatment tailored to you. All birthmarks are unique, so it follows that their treatments will be too.
For the removal of moles from the body, layered laser ablation is the most effective treatment, which is available now at Dr. Naiya Bansal’s Clinic. It is the most advanced and modern procedure that helps in the removal of unwanted moles and growths on the skin without any pain or scarring. Our trained doctors directly apply the laser beam to the cells that form the mole. The mole absorbs the laser beam and fumes away from the skin surface, without affecting the surrounding skin. It is the most popular treatment for the mole as there is no cutting and it can be used to remove a mole from any part of the body.
Laser treatments are best suited for the removal of stretch marks by reducing their appearance and decreasing pain or itchiness. A variety of lasers with different wavelengths are used to remove the marks and affect the skin in various ways. A fractional carbon dioxide laser resurfacing treatment is the best method available for stretch marks and old burn or post-traumatic scars which helps in collagen remodelling and gradually helps to improve the tone, texture, and appearance of the scar tissue.
At Dr. Naiya Bansal’s Clinic. We offer the latest fractional laser and micro-needling radiofrequency treatment to reduce the prominence of any kind of scar mark on your body without any side effects or much downtime.